What is Homeopathy?

Why Use Homeopathy?

Homeopathic treatment is safe and effective and uses no needles, bitter-tasting, or toxic preparations.

The central premise of homeopathy is that disease affects the body as a whole, and small doses of nontoxic medicines treat the patient, not the disease. Since the disease itself is not the object of the treatment, hundreds of medicines might be considered, depending on the patient. For any given medicine, there are hundreds of diseases for which that medicine might be applicable, depending on the patient’s characteristics.

Homeopathy is appropriate in treating named diseases, such as parvovirus, pancreatitis, etc, and may be considered in treating any illness. Of course, some conditions require conventional care (e.g., fractures, lacerations, and dental cleanings); however, homeopathy can play an instrumental role even in these instances.

Homeopathy also provides successful treatment options for those patients for whom there is no diagnostic name (anything “idiopathic” for instance), for diseases that are diagnosed and there is no conventionally recognized treatment protocol (e.g., neoplasias, behavioral issues), and for those recurring episodes of disease for which there is no conventional medical cure (e.g., allergies, diabetes, atopy, repeated colic, ear and urinary tract ‘infections’, autoimmune conditions).

In hospice situations, homeopathy can be very helpful in maintaining comfort.

What is Homeopathy?

labpuppy425x400Homeopathy is an effective and scientific system of healing that supports the body’s innate ability to heal itself. In fact, it is the second most often used medical modality worldwide – used by humans and animals alike. In homeopathy, a well-trained homeopath recognizes that all symptoms of ill health are expressions of disharmony within the whole individual and that it is the patient who needs treatment, not the disease.

The Law of Similars:

The word “homeopathy” is derived from two Greek words, “homoios” which means “similar,” and “pathos,” which means “disease” or “suffering .” The primary principle of homeopathy is the law of similars-the principle that a substance will help to heal symptoms similar to those it is known to cause. Any substance, plant/animal/mineral can be prepared as a homeopathic medicine.

The concept of symptom patterns is essential in homeopathy. An individual’s disease is not simply one isolated symptom but a combination of all physical, emotional, and mental symptoms that that individual is experiencing, whether or not they seem related.

In this context, symptoms are not the disease. Symptoms accompany the disease. Symptoms are evidence of disease. Treating the symptoms is like killing the messenger for bringing bad news. In fact, treating symptoms alone can suppress the body’s natural responses and inhibit the healing process.

What is Homeopathy, and How Does it Work?

Homeopathic remedies work by stimulating the body’s own healing power. This stimulus assists the body in clearing itself of any expressions of imbalance (disease).

The homeopathic perspective does not ignore the existence of immediate causes, such as infection or poor nutrition, but focuses more on how the body is attempting to deal with the problem. The idea is that if the patient’s defenses can be strengthened, then the balance of health shifts in favor of recovery.

Treatment is accomplished in a very gentle, non-invasive manner by the administration of specially prepared homeopathic remedies. Remedies are dispensed as either small, sweet-tasting pellets or as liquid preparations to be given in small oral doses. The aim is to obtain a level of health such that treatment is infrequent or unnecessary. Sometimes a single dose is sufficient to set the healing process in motion, and sometimes, repeated doses are needed. Re-dosing may be as often as daily or as infrequently as only once.

What Will Happen Once Homeopathy Treatment Starts?

After administering a remedy, you may notice some changes in your companion. Sometimes symptoms get more intense for a while. Sometimes individuals experience a period of exceptional well-being. All changes, related to the main complaint or not, should be recorded in a notebook or on a calendar to be discussed at some future time with the doctor. A phone call to the doctor should address any worrisome response.

Important note: other treatments may affect the evaluation of the remedy action, so please only administer any form of medication, including homeopathic remedies, after first asking your homeopath.

How Long Does Homeopathy Treatment Take?

This depends very much on the individual patient. It is realistic for your homeopath to assess the length of treatment once it can be seen how the individual responds to the remedies. A slowly developing complaint, or one that has been experienced for some years, will not disappear immediately. The response is slower, in some cases, than the response to conventional medications. This is because the body itself is doing the healing, and the goal is to return to health, not temporary improvement or suppression of symptoms.

Other Important Points About Homeopathy:

Rechecks are crucial to the progress and understanding of all animal cases, and a phone consultation is often adequate. Journal notes are very important tools in these consultations.
Good nutrition is one of the most powerful adjuncts to successful homeopathic treatment.

Always check with Dr. Swartz before using any drugs/treatments/vaccinations/surgery/other homeopathic remedies.

How to Properly Store Homeopathy Remedies:

  • At least two feet from strong magnetic/electric fields such as refrigerators/microwaves/TVs/computers/etc.
  • Moderate temperatures
  • Out of direct sunlight.
  • Away from strong odors such as camphor/DMSO/liniments.